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Knowledge Sharing ePosters

Tuesday, 17 October
ePoster Station 4
Knowledge Sharing ePosters
  • 0945-1000 214965
    Measurement of Static Proppant-settling Velocity in Fracturing Fluids Through Digital Image Analysis
    J. Huang, L. Lin, G. Lin, B. Richardi, CNPC USA; F. Liu, J. Li, Z. Yang, CNPC USA & CNPC Engineering Technology R&D Company Ltd
  • 1000-1015 214865
    3D Modeling of the Utah FORGE Reservoir Stimulation with Proppant Transport and Deposition
    D. Kumar, B. Liu, A. Ghassemi, University of Oklahoma

Prepare for an Unforgettable Opening Session!

Through an insightful discussion, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the past, present, and future of innovation within the Oil & Gas industry, inspiring a new era of energy professionals committed to shaping a resilient and sustainable energy landscape.