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Knowledge Sharing ePosters

Monday, 16 October
ePoster Station 6
Knowledge Sharing ePosters
  • 1515-1530 215034
    A Two-phase Type-Curve Method with Fracture Damage Effects for Hydraulically Fractured Reservoirs
    F. Zhang, University of Petroleum China Beijing; Y. Pan, Z. Rui, China University of Petroleum-Beijing; H. Emami-Meybodi, C. Yang, Pennsylvania State University; R. Wang, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development; W. Zhang, University of Calgary
  • 1530-1545 215083
    An Analytical Tool To Predict Fracture Extension And Elastic Desaturation For Polymer Field Projects
    M.B. Abdullah, The University of Texas At Austin; R.S. Seright, New Mexico Inst-Mining & Tech; M.V. Machado, PETROBRAS; M. Delshad, K. Sepehrnoori, The University of Texas At Austin