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Navigating the Energy Shift: Unveiling Essential Skills for Petroleum Engineers

Tuesday, 24 September
Great Hall A
Join our strategic panel as we spotlight the vital skills for petroleum engineers in navigating the energy shift to low carbon future. Industry leaders will share insights on adapting traditional oil and gas expertise to a future in the subsurface transitional energy pathways and fostering innovation. Gain a comprehensive understanding and position yourself as a key contributor to the transformative journey toward a low carbon energy future.
Christopher Clarkson - University of Calgary
B Todd Hoffman - Montana Tech
Barry Thomas - ConocoPhillips Co
Rhonda Welch - Chevron
Edna Michelle Bisso Bi Mba - Wintershall Dea

Prepare for an Unforgettable Opening Session!

Through an insightful discussion, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the past, present, and future of innovation within the Oil & Gas industry, inspiring a new era of energy professionals committed to shaping a resilient and sustainable energy landscape.