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SPE GAIA – Measuring What Matters: How to Make ESG Work for Business and the Planet

Tuesday, 24 September
Exhibit Hall B2-2
Special Session
The ESG movement is at a turning point – from the margins to the mainstream to right at the center of business polemics in a few short years, exciting some, exasperating others. Never has business had more to contend with as they measure environmental, social and governance topics:- from grappling with new concepts such as single, double, even triple materiality; to reeling from accusations of greenwashing no matter how hard they try; and retreating to greenhushing in order to create the space to think, experiment and innovate that is so absent from the public ESG space. Multiple frameworks have been created to guide these efforts but there are now so many as to cause confusion. Interoperability has become the new buzz word – efforts to ensure these frameworks speak to each other. The ISSB [International Sustainability Standards Board] dominates the US space whilst the EU’s EFRAG [European Financial Reporting Advisory Group] and dominates the EU space. Every region of the world has its references attempting to help companies account for the impact of ESG topics on the health of the business and on the health of the planet – to varying degrees. Why companies? Because business is where humans produce, trade and consume – all of which result in use of resources and the generation of waste, the root causes of unsustainability. Therein lies the challenge……………is all this effort actually measuring what matters to help return humanity inside planetary boundaries? Is the effort to satisfy external stakeholders such as investors and activists helping operations to align their performance with more planet and society friendly practices? This special session will bring together a panel of experts all of whom are on the front line of “measuring what matters” and can help our highly technical ATCE audience fast track their knowledge of the ESG space and take away the ability to follow, take positions and apply some new concepts in their daily professional roles.
Flora Moon - Expressworks
Robin Macmillan - Robin Macmillan LLC
Tim Benish - Exxon Mobil Corporation
Alexander Groh - Patterson-UTI Drilling Co
Paul Choate - Choate Technology Services Ltd
Krystal Sexton - Shell Oil Co.
Trey Shaffer - Environmental Resources Mgmt

Prepare for an Unforgettable Opening Session!

Through an insightful discussion, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the past, present, and future of innovation within the Oil & Gas industry, inspiring a new era of energy professionals committed to shaping a resilient and sustainable energy landscape.