Exhibitors are no longer required to submit paperwork or payment for appointing a contractor. We do recommend that you review the information below and that you follow up with your contractor to ensure all steps have been taken by the posted deadlines.
If you have been hired to build/design booth space at this event, it is mandatory that you:
If you need to add additional companies at a later date, please visit this section and submit another request via the online form. Please do not email requests for these additions directly to our email inbox.
EACs needing access to the show floor during show days will need to be registered and badged. Please contact the exhibiting company so they can register your staff using their complimentary registrations.
EACs only needing access to the show floor during set-up and tear-down will not need to be badged. These employees will need to check-in at the freight door each morning to obtain a colored wristband. They will be required to provide government-issued photo IDs.
Please note – failure to follow the aforementioned processes will result in a delay or denial of access to the show floor.
Official Contractor
Freeman is our Official Show Decorator and is exempt from the above.
Exclusive Contractors (links coming soon)
For insurance and safety reasons, Exclusive Contractors designated in the Official Exhibitor Services Manual MUST be used for services such as:
- Catering
- Electrical
- Rigging
- Plumbing
- Drayage/Forklift Operations
- Telecommunications
Please contact
spe.events@spe.org with any questions. We appreciate your cooperation!