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Knowledge Sharing ePosters

Tuesday, 24 September
Station 6 - ePosters
  • 0945-1000 220947
    Enhancing CO2 Injector Well Performance With GRE Lined Tubing: A Technical Evaluation
    M. Bin Ismail, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd; M. Moh Wahi, Petronas; M. Lokman, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd; M. Ebining Amir, Petronas; M. Omar, MaxTube Ltd.; A. Fernandes, Maxtube
  • 1000-1015 221010
    Optimization of Gas Injection Well Productivity Through Integration of Modified Isochronal Test Including the Impact of Phase Behaviour: A Case Study on Coiled-Tubing Gas Lift for Al-Jurf Offshore Oil Field
    M. Ammar, A. Abdulwarith, A. Kareb, D. Paker, B. Dindoruk, University of Houston; W. Ablil, M. Altownisi, E. Abid, Mabruk Oil Operations